Judge Johnny (Empire Maker - Lucas Street) finishes top 10 at the Young Event Horse Championships at the Maryland 5 Event at Fair Hill.

Judge Johnny wins Thoroughbred Incentive Programs Award at YEH Championships

On the Podcast…

Carleigh is invited to speak on mental health in equestrian sport at Equitana

Sewickley Stables qualifies two OTTBs for YEH Championships

Four year old Judge Johnny (Empire Maker - Lucas Street) and four year old Resurgent (Sky Mesa - Galloping Ami) both acquired qualifying scores (greater than 75) during the 2021 season to qualify for the Young Event Horse Championships at the Maryland 5* Event in Fair Hill, MD.

Sewickley Stables Featured in The BloodHorse

The BloodHorse came out to Sewickley Stables to discuss our relationship with Bonne Chance Farm, their backing of Judge Johnny, and looking towards the future.

Judge Johnny wins the Open Novice at Midsouth Horse Trials

On the podcast…

Carleigh speaks of her journey with Dynamaker to get to the upper levels of eventing with In the Money Podcast